The Endocannabinoid System (ECS)
The Endocannabinoid System (ECS): In this module, we dive into what the ECS is, how it was discovered, and the role it plays when consuming cannabis and CBD.
We educate you so you can teach others…..
Much of the focus of CBD start-up brands has been on retail. This has led to its popularity and explosion in the headlines however one of the biggest challenges in the CBD industry is the lack of education. With so many different products and options for the consumer, the market has become confusing and can be overwhelming. From CBD oils, CBD gummies, CBD topicals, CBD capsules, CBD soft gels, etc.
Recent surveys have shown that education remains the biggest obstacle in the industry. A simple conversation with consumers reveals that most do not know what CBD is. They are unaware of how much they are to take or the benefits it brings. Consumers are unaware of the very basics of CBD. This makes CBD education more important.
“What you know matters to your prospective and active customers”.
1 Stop CBD Business is an industry educator. We aim to contribute towards the growth and development of the Hemp and CBD industry through CBD brands focused on service delivery and building relationships with consumers. Most CBD consumers are looking for quality information from reliable sources. This creates an opportunity for CBD brands to build personalised relationships and establish trust with consumers.
1 Stop CBD Business education programs and training are designed for CBD brand/business owners. It is mandatory for every start-up business owner and their team (whom we work with) to take our CBD education program. This is part of the process to equip them, with the necessary knowledge on how to benefit consumers.
In this digital world, trust is earned through quality information and guidance. We build brands whose trust and customer acquisition are centered on shopper education. The modern consumer is more aware of what they are putting in their body. So, education plays an important role. Partnering with us ensures your brand is built to inspire a much stronger consumer relationship. Education is very essential in influencing purchases among both current and prospective CBD consumers.
Our education programs cover all the fundamentals though a number of modules including the following:
The Endocannabinoid System (ECS): In this module, we dive into what the ECS is, how it was discovered, and the role it plays when consuming cannabis and CBD.
What is CBD: is a basic overview of CBD and its medicinal benefits. In this module, you will learn why CBD is beneficial, CBD in hemp and the main ailments that CBD has been scientifically proven to aid.
CBD Full Spectrum vs Isolate: In this module, you will learn about the differences between CBD full spectrum products and CBD isolate and how to explain the difference to customers.
Routes of Administration: module breaks down the methods for consuming CBD and provides an understanding of bio-availability in order to recommend what method might be best for a customer’s needs.
Know Your Product- Active Ingredients: This module will take you through the active ingredients found in the cannabis (hemp) plant. There are 3 major groups: Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Flavonoids.
Know Your Product- Product Types: In part 2 of Know your product, we will discuss product types. As the CBD industry grows, more and more products are being developed. It is important to understand the different product types.
Sales Training- People Are Your Product: This module covers all aspects of your Sales Methodology. It unpacks the importance of focusing on people more than your products to be successful. These modules are a great starter for team to really understand how to interact and put customers first.
(719) 374 9117
1049 Elkton Drive,
Colorado Springs,
CO 80907,
Mon-Fr: 8:00-17:00
Sat & Sun: 8:00-14:00
Our products and services are only for use in states where the sale and consumption of such products are legal to 21 year old's.
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